Monday, November 1, 2021

Amid Sound War!

  • Bihar's dominant festival, Chhath puja is near and the State Government has assured good supply of electricity during the festival. There is also a subsidy from Governemnt on the usage of electricity. 
  • Electricity like any Energy, has both the constructive and the destructive aspects. 
  • What I often complain about my location in the Police station 183, is the  Loud Sound Violence. 

  • The online resources about-Article 21 of the Constitution of India (It includes the right to live in peace, to sleep in peace and the right to repose and health.) gives me hopes about the available legal remedies.
  • Article 21, also assures Right to Livelihood, through which my competitors disturbs my intellectual works through continuous disturbing high volume sounds. 
  • Like all wars, there is a good wastages of energy and money in the Sound wars. 
  • Ego of participants in the war is important. Some of the factors that affect the ego and form motives are: (1) Vote bank politician/caste leaders support (2) Religous & personal sentiments (3) Investments in the Amplifiers, Speakers, Songs, etc. While what motivates me to write against it, is my ego of (1) property holdings, (2) having the power of internet and (3) the other intellect capital.
  • Poor tolerants of Loud Sounds/Noise pollutions require Ear plugs, masks, acoustically designed accomodatons, offices, etc. 
  • Financially strong people can afford better legal protection, making tours to peaceful locations, etc. In this having a personal car with surplus fuel and  money to purchase the necessary items, makes life pleasant. 
  • Financially weaks will have to tolerate, pray to God, take some drugs, protest  in the manner, similar to mine, etc.
Punishing the Government
  • In country like India, Dvide and Rule policy is from the historical past. 
  • But here we also admire the democratic values and feelings of godliness/divinity in each individual/living and non living things.
  • Current Government speaks a lot about the Divide and Rule policies of the past Governments and justify and glorify the violent protests and there perpetrators at the time. But they overlook there own Divide & Rule policies.
  • Leaders like late Mahatma Gandhi have always supported the Non-violence. 
  • Rich people can take legal actions against there Government.  Poor intellectuals can use press, online forums, etc.
  • Non-intellectuals often use group based protests, that can easily become violent. 
  • Elections allows common citizens to select a good government. 
  • With the new generation mobile phone and internet technology, semi literate to literate citizens can demand votings through mobile phone and internet so as to get out from large crowds and queues during the elections. Article 21 of the Constitution of India, supports there Demand. 
  • Article 300 A of the Constitution of India, provide legal rights to the private property holdings. Mixed with the Article 21, the Right of online property auction & trade becomes valid for the common citizens. 
  • Non Cooperation Movements:
    • Governments often misuse the common tax payers money for there unjustified prides and pampers, whims and fancies, divisive policies, etc. 
    • A divisive policy like support to Loud Sound celebrartions benefits a group of people (non-intellectual hard workers) and companies (Political, Audio/Video songs, Speakers, amplifiers, generators, etc) . While many other groups and companies like Radio, Television, Computer, Internet, Education related, Repair works, Philosophers and Strategist, Scientists, Researchers, Accounting, Finanace, Medical services, Justice department, Environmentalists, etc. gets harmed by it.  
    • The groups and companies standing against the Loud Sound Violence can join together to start several Non cooperation movements and protests against the Current government.

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