Saturday, April 27, 2019

Dynamic Parliament

In a democratic country like India. Parliament is the most powerful institute. The party or the individual attaining 2/3rd majority gets the ruling position. The remaining 1/3rd have to take the role of an opposition.

So the democracy which in theory is to represent the citizens is representing the majority.
The Government formed has to make earnings through international export and import and by tax from its people. The Government also gets income from donation, bribery and other corruptions. While they have to spend on its commitments for poverty alleviation, global peace, meeting the goals of UNO, taking care of Nature and climate, pollution control etc.

For a common citizen, its a better to support the formed Government, whether it is of there taste and choice or not?

Dynamic Parliament? Anything which is not stable is dynamic. Stable government is able to execute its tasks, while a dynamic government has to frequently go for change in leadership, “horse trading”, proving its strength, etc. This hampers the government functioning. But it happens when a Government lacks majority or confidence.

Innovation in Parliamentary function: There are many opportunity and technology will benefit or change the situation.

Current representation of Power:

People>>Member of parliament>>Government and Opposition>>President.

In this the role of People finish after casting of vote. While the role of other remains active till the next election.
Due to the reach of technology in form of mobile phone and Internet to common people, there role remains active through expressions and comments about their leaders.

Currently Indian parliament has the 545 seats, which is representation of around 1,366,057,449 people.
New dynamic parliament through advent of technology and voting through mobile phone and Internet can create a virtual parliament with 1.4 billion seats. Leader formation and voting can go through the role of active members.
Participation in Government: Though a common man, while being at house, I had to vote 3 times- Lok sabha elections, formation of State government and elections for Panchayati raj. This shows that the Indian democracy wants to involve its people into politics.
Though I believe that a virtual parliament with 1.4 billion seats can be created, still I feel that smaller the volume of leaders, efficient is the functioning of a parliament.
So virtual parliament can also form at the Panchayat level with average of 20-30 thousand population/ seats or at the Ward level with average of 1-2 thousand population/seats.
This model of Government:

People>Ward leaders>Panchayat>Mukhia & Sarpanch>State Government>Central government>President

Can also be suggested.

Analog Clock Method

In an analog clock, as the "Second" hand completes, one round, then the "Minute" hand moves, and when the "Minute" hand completes one round, then the "Hour" hand moves. 
So the "Hour hand" is directly dependent on the "Second hand".

A President is like the "Hour Hand", while common people are like the "Second Hand". In this model Common people can select a Leader, while Leaders can select a President. 

Justification: Many people have computer, smart and simple phones. Biometric identity cards like Aadhar has been generated for many people. So utilizing the existing technical infrastructures and knowledge capitals into socio-political life will create a win-win situation.
The main functions of a brick-mortar parliament is speech of leaders, debates, voting and budget clearings. These all can be done through text and Audio-video posts on Internet and through live streaming/video conference.
With advent of Radio and television we have seen political activities actively adopting it. With mobile phones becoming closer to the common mass, people started reacting to the role of there governments. Now with 4G and 5G high speed Internet, people have major role in getting into the political life. 

Technology can allow a common man to directly interact with the supreme head of there Government. This fact or energy level should be used for the best political output.

Utilizing the people in GDP (Gross Domestic Production) growth, food processing and trade at the international level should be the objective of all the Governments. A vibrant economy involves cash flow at all levels, active debt management systems, liquidity in property, Quick and efficient conflict management and Mergers and Acquisitions for efficient management.  

Efficiency and functioning: There are some billionaires active on social networks, but getting there attention for a common man is very difficult. So now also the representation is loped and with the use of technology the representation will continue to remain loped. But the shape of lopes, hierarchy in society (shape of pyramids) will change with technology.
I want to suggest that the common people should be able to avail the best comfort or convenience through use of technology.
Death and misery comes to both rich and poor, but the manner in which it behaves to rich and poor differs. Again the power of Time is getting reflected.
Use of technology in parliamentary functions will increase efficiency, reduce  the costs in functioning and bring all people of unorganized sector into a common organization, the Nation or the Planet earth when we will get into multi planetary system.  
This will also bring many people into mainstream, political life, thus controlling crime, violence and other disorders in the society. It will also ensure inclusive growth.

Age of the members in virtual parliament: Suggesting any age limit is difficult, as in this era of technological developments, some child can be extraordinary and technologically advanced than the people of matured age group. Many old people can also behave like a child. When we believe in the theory of past birth and rebirth, we have seen some child expressing strange traits, exhibition of strange knowledge, representing there past birth or conditions prevailing in there uterine life.
In Valmiki Ramayan, it is mentioned that under the impact of Guru Valmiki, Lav-Kush in there tender age were able to defeat the mighty strong army of Lord Ram. 

Progress in Biometric identification of people is a step ahead in adopting them in online activities. Though the court's judgment in India was in favor of the Right of Privacy, but for the sake of National security, many Governments are adopting the Biometric identification program. It is important for the people living in mainstream socio-political life. But a Government cannot make everyone happy and so some stray from the mainstream socio-political life. Due to many reasons people prefer anonymity. But a Government is bound to follow some biometric identification, which is also important from the point of view of socio-biological front.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Internet-How will it change our life?

Internet allows access of one computer and its files by few to many others.  It helps to save a computer works on a common server, by which in case if a computer crash or the owner moves to other place he she continues to have access of his files.
Internet has good reach to people in top to middle class of the society. Though costly, at present, still people like it due to its impact on the lifestyle and convenience it provides to us.
Its a important tool for marketing of products and personality (image, video, thoughts/opinions/arts ) through an electronic media. 

Administrative powers at different levels have supported it. But still there are many struggles to create a lucrative space in it. Many service providers express there hunger for money but there are very few direct earning opportunities. 

Many business occurs due to confusion and ignorance. Internet tries to provide right information at right time. So it has a major role in intellectuals work and life. 
  • Demand of electric power, voltage stabilizers, desktop, laptop, smart phone, battery, inverter, solar panels, generator, printer, etc. will increase.
  • Electronic transfer of money, online purchase, card (debit/credit) system of payments, will reduce the requirements of many banks at a location, demand of ATM machines will reduce, demand of Card readers/POS (Point of sale) machines will increase.  Long queue at the banks will reduce. Mini licensed bank kiosks for cash deposits and mini transactions may gain importance. 
  • Based on demand perceptions, software and IT industry may take new roles. 
  • It will reduce Hotel business by allowing common people to offer Paying guest facility and to share there room.
  • It will reduce property price, rent, etc. Online marketing platforms will compete with local physical markets. It will help the well connected physical markets in selling there products. So fair pricing will emerge and a producer/trader will have to redefine there competitive edge. 
  • It will reduce transport traffic but will increase logistics and courier business. Most of the public transport is out of confusion and emotional formality. Electronic method of communications/video chatting will reduce physical people to people meetings. 
  • It will reduce costly coaching and cost on education, as internet provides complicated technical knowledge through simple computer and smart phone. 
  • It will increase direct sale between producer and consumer, eliminating the middleman and reducing the stockists. 
  • Highly competitive business will provide Just in Time services. 
  • It will increase people to people contact and cooperation.
  • Investments, Funding, Bill payments and Accounting works will get new shapes and volumes. 
  • It will provide new directions to the Film industry, shopping malls, education, travel and logistics business.
  • On line discussions, debates, voting, allocation of funds and shaping of priorities etc. will reduce the costs on parliamentary works. Similar approach in Corporate governance will reduce the costs of the company. 
  • Decentralized growth: This is the major positive impact of the internet. The gap between urban and rural prosperity will decrease as movement of people to urban regions for official works will reduce. Computer with internet will bring office, court and consultancy to the easy reach of the common man.
  • Trade at global level, direct interaction of people with global leaders at united nation organisations, will provide new opportunities to the marginalized/hidden intellectuals/skills/talents. 
Free internet should be there, funded by some organisations or at least for some time in a 24 hours, as it helps a struggling or a learning person to proceed ahead in life. Operation of a computer or a smart phone has many costs, that doesn't allows all to use it. Extra cost of internet will be difficult for a infant business.

If we look our stock market, there are thousands of listed company on both NSE and BSE. The struggle and capture of funds have divided the stocks in Large cap, Middle cap and Small cap segments. Like this internet will have few high traffic websites and other with normal to nil traffic. It will be very difficult for all business to generate income through there website, Yes collaboration with high traffic website will give them some opportunity. Websites will have to provide earning opportunities for maintaining there traffics.

Religion and caste has important role in shaping our lifestyle and livelihood. Philosophy prevailing in mind set can take new shapes through internet based leanings. This will promote rational thought process in human beings.

Cryptocurrencies:  The emergence of internet based economy gave shapes to many crypto-currencies like Bit coin. But still there are confusion and no government support for many such currency. Most of the currency is based on Gold reserve of a country. Some have there currency based on the reserve of petroleum products.  Since Gold and Crude oils are traded through online exchange, and many banks have started accepting online transfer of currency of other countries, these crypto currency are still struggling to get the relevance.

The major limitations to the internet is that it has very less impact on the Aura or warmth associated with personality and personal meetings.

Bad taste: I became paid member of some matrimony and job sites, but that doesn't brought any positive gain in my life. Some online sellers were successful in selling there toys for my search of genuine cheap products. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Bottom of Pyramid

I had studied about the "Bottom of Pyramid" model of society in my Management course. But when I myself entered this strata of society. I got opportunity to think more on it.

Top level-1% of the population lives, occupying about 99% of the resource, whereas on Bottom level 99% of the population lives. Too much "Wastage" happens at the Top level, and there are many "Deprived" on the Bottom" level.
The activity of donation, debt, scrap business, scavenging, theft and looting fills the gap between "Wastage" and "Deprived".

The people on the "Top of the Pyramid (TOP)", try to engage its BOP by inducing feelings of Duty, Nationalism, etc. Though the TOP exploits the BOP, it has moral responsibility to feed and protect them.

The TOP has to strive hard for its position. They use War, Gambling, Lottery, Tax, Trade (Export/Import), Marriage relations with other people of TOP, etc. There choice of language, Song and Music, Food and Nutrition is of "Royal Jelly" type. They consider the importance of there Time.

The BOP are poor decision makers and are confused for most of the Time. They prefer endogamy in marriage. They are prone to disease, often lacks proper nutrition and medical facilities. They are not able to utilize there Time properly. They are financially excluded. Having more enemy then friends, use of bad language, facing jail terms or being subjected to wrong allegations, bias, betrayal, defeat in gamble and war etc. land them in there poor condition. There knowledge capital declines and dirty thoughts trouble them.

Financial Inclusion, God's mercy, engagement with TOP, etc. can raise a person above BOP.
In Gita lord Krishna says "...तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा...", by which I understand about compromises and negotiations to get different assets/benefits in life. Sometimes a person has to leave his/her family to perform jobs with good income and a promising secured life. Sometimes we have to sell property or pawn gold for getting money.  Money is "Maya" or infatuation. Food and Property and valuable jewels are real wealth. Fasting, painful exercise, and other offerings are done to please the God or the ruler of our destiny. 

Nature and its laws are the most real manifestation of the almighty. Different pests like mosquito, bed bugs, intestinal worms, etc. works as Nature's Tax agents. So the strange God has given many opportunity for framing our destiny.

Due to hierarchical setup in society there is pyramidal structures  in family and other administrations. A marginalized person or community (BOP) can associate with a nearby TOP of other community. This sometimes result in change of caste, religion etc. Sometimes a struggling person may opt for second marriage or a relationship with people of other community. So a change in identity may occur when a person feels disgusted with his/her current life and situation and opts for some other "green pastures".
Anger, Craziness, Desires, Ego, etc. makes a person to move in different hierarchies of society.
It is said that there are many supernatural life like Yaksha and Gandharva  in Santan (Hindu) philosophy. By meditation and association with some Guru, a person can get linked to supernatural life. Reading of religious scriptures and good thoughts can bring many positive changes in the life of a person.