I liked the views of present Honorable Education Minister, Shri Kapil Sibal’s statement that educational qualifications should get dematerialized, similar to the stocks in Demat account. This will reduce the risk of loss/damage while carrying different precious certificates.
But the bill and determination to make primary education a fundamental right for all children is not practical. Both rich and poor likes to send their child to the “Kendriya Vidyalayas”, the Central government sponsored schools, but these schools are very limited in number and not present in many remote villages of the country. There are many “unfortunate/-misfortunate” children in the country who struggles to get proper nourishment, forget the education! Worst among them are the children of poor “Migrating citizens”.
In the current situation, though every one likes to get secured “Government Job” or job in a company with very large capital, it is not possible for every one to get such job.
Large number of educated human resources of India, also from the educational institutes which gave very high hopes and charged lakhs of rupees as fees, are happily-unhappily finding work in the mid capital-small capital private sectors. After investing lakhs of rupees, (in some cases from education loan) many are not having courage to prepare and compete for the government jobs or enter into the “Economics of Application Form to Selection”.
Every bride likes to get a husband with secured job, but it is not practical. It is good that many females are getting educated and are getting into active professional life. So many females are avoiding to get into the formal married life and motherhood and in many families the male and female are exchanging their roles, that is the female is going to earn money and the male is taking care of the house and children.
Small-Mid cap industries cannot afford to pay better salary and other facilities to their employees.
Since the educational institutes of India hardly tries to find the best suited niche livelihood opportunity for a child, there will be lots of people in wrong job or the job in which their performance is poor/unsatisfactory.
So there is and will be good number of cases of Job Gaps in India .
Good thing is that the population of India will register some decline, but the decline is/will be in the families which can afford producing child and/or give proper parental education to the child than that in the family which cannot afford producing more child and/or give parental education to the child.
The impact of low paid Job and Job gaps should not only fall on the individual but also on the Institute which trained/taught/groomed that Individual, especially the self-financed professional institutes which charged very higher fees and made high claim promises at the time of admission.
Waste Asset: During my management course, in one of the finance class, my Finance professor told about “Waste Asset”. She had told that the farmers’ assets like farm produce and farm animals are “Waste” in nature as they are mostly perishable and if not sold/consumed/used in proper time duration, there value will go “Waste”.
Human is too a “Waste Asset” in educational institutes, in career, in relationships, etc.
It is very good that the Ministry of Agriculture provides “Minimum Support Price” for many agricultural commodities.
So as the Human Resource Minister of the country, I would ask all the educational institutes to fix a “Minimum Support Salary/Wage/Remuneration” for their student who successfully completes the course.
This means that if a student successfully passes out from some recognized, self financed and costly educational institute, but gets into the trap of low paid job and job gaps and the vicious cycles of probation period, the institute alone or with the help of Government should pay the balance amount below the “Minimum Support Salary/Wage/Remuneration” (=“Minimum Support Salary/Wage/Remuneration”- current Salary/Wage/Remuneration) and help the candidate to find a better career.
Similar to the Government job, i.e. once a person gets selected into the Government job, he/she is taken care even on becoming unproductive.
I would also launch an organisation/Institute called "Job Gap Human Resource Service". It would be government sponsored and all services to the qualified human resources registering Job gap, subjected to some conditions will be free. The funding will be met from the income which comes to government from the tax collected from corporates (Corporate Tax in India: 25% on "Earning Before Deduction of Tax) and other Privately managed firms.
All those employees who are graduate or post graduate and have been terminated from the job for non criminal activities like poor performance in sales, unable to meet the task, etc. The employee who have themselves resigned, and get into the job gap will not be eligible for the facilities.
The human resource getting into Job gap can register on the specially designed online government site for them. For this they will have to use their UID, PAN card details, personal Bank accounts, PF (Provident Fund) number, Letter from their employer, etc.
All employees in private sector, will have a Centralized Provident Fund account linked to their bank account, so that when they change their job/organisation, they may continue with the same provident fund account number in the new organization/job. (I have worked in a private company for around 8 months, my HRM created a PF account for me and also deducted some amount from my salary for few months. But when I was terminated from the job, even after requests, I neither got relieving letter, nor the amount which they had deducted for my PF account. But I am highly grateful to that company, as it had helped me when I was in a Job gap and badly searching for jobs, it also gave me many learning opportunities and other facilities, but I did not proved to be much productive for it.)
Even in the case of not having the letter of relieving from job, the self declaration of getting into job gap and not being challenged/refuted by the recent employer/organization will be considered for the eligibility.
The person in job gap will be asked to go to their native house. In some cases, they will not even be charged for travelling in the Railways and Government buses.
Based on their educational qualifications, experiences, and condition of the need of money and personal finance status, some stipend amount will be immediately send to their bank account. This will continue for some months, until the person finds some other job.
Interest on the existing "Education Loan" of the candidate will stop increasing, until he/she finds another job. In adverse situation and special cases, like government finding it difficulty in providing new job, there will be provision to forgive the "Education loan".
My ministry will try to reduce the the interest loan on all existing and new education loan.
Detailed resume of the person will be available on the internet site for different employers to view and consider the person for recruitment. If a employer selects the candidate, his/her resume will be removed from the website.
My ministry will try to reduce the the interest loan on all existing and new education loan.
Detailed resume of the person will be available on the internet site for different employers to view and consider the person for recruitment. If a employer selects the candidate, his/her resume will be removed from the website.
Emphasis of the Government will be to analyze the Strengths and weaknesses of the candidate and to provide him/her the best matching niche employment opportunity. The defect in the educational institutes, which failed to analyze the special skills of the person will also be studied.
I will help the "Ekalavya" type of students/learners (Self learners) to get their due recognition and not be harmed by the Guru/Educational institutes like "Dronacharya". Guru Dronacharya took away the right hand thumb of Eklavya for which he lost his head in the war of Mahabharat.
If an educated Father/Mother/Guardian takes efforts in teaching their child, the guardian taught child, even when not attending the formal educational institutes, and on passing some "tests", will be considered on par to the child obtaining formal education. This will help the low-incomed, educated parents to save money.
In the "Eklavya" Plan, The Syllabus for all academic qualifications (Matriculation, Inter, Graduation, Professional courses, Post Graduate courses, etc.) will be defined in detail. It will be up to the student, on how he/she grasps the "Syllabus", in what time frame, and by referring which study material.Whenever the student, feels "satisfied", with his/her learning, can request the centralized body for examinations, to "Test" his/her understanding/fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the Syllabus. The test will be flexible type, that is Telephonic, Email, Chat, Letter based, and also visiting the office of the Governing body on different Syllabus for personal interview, and conferring the degree. Government role will be to help such students, than to "punish" him/her for trying to become the "Ekalvya". Very less, affordable or no "Guru dakshina" will be taken from such student. But at same time his/her degree will be considered on par with the students attaining the regular classes. (At present similar facilities exists in India. The bias is to the limited extent. While filling the form of "Armed Force Medical College", I had read, written there that the preference in selection will be given to those students who have qualified matriculation and Inter from a recognized school and board with good attendance and marks).
All educated /learned person has every right to impart knowledge to another. Many educated home maker wives and/or husband can teach their child, whereas the seat available in the nearby schools can be occupied by the students whose parents cannot educate them or give time to them.
Socialization is through (1) Family (2) Society (3) School. Some can get properly socialized from just one of them, and some from neither of them.
So on no basis the self learned education, education from family and or society should be considered inferior to that from the school/university or other sources of formal education.
I would also impart all short duration Diploma, Certificate courses, Certified Training Programmes, etc. the Continuity effect. That is a person having one year post graduation diploma, can convert that diploma into a Master (2 years) degree by undergoing another related one year diploma course from same or another institute and the time gap between the two degrees will not be taken into account. The final combined degree will be awarded by the institute involved in later stage or the third party involved in providing further higher studies or providing employment. All distance/online/part time courses will be compatible with the regular ones.
Costly education has many negative impacts on the society.
In the "Eklavya" Plan, The Syllabus for all academic qualifications (Matriculation, Inter, Graduation, Professional courses, Post Graduate courses, etc.) will be defined in detail. It will be up to the student, on how he/she grasps the "Syllabus", in what time frame, and by referring which study material.Whenever the student, feels "satisfied", with his/her learning, can request the centralized body for examinations, to "Test" his/her understanding/fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the Syllabus. The test will be flexible type, that is Telephonic, Email, Chat, Letter based, and also visiting the office of the Governing body on different Syllabus for personal interview, and conferring the degree. Government role will be to help such students, than to "punish" him/her for trying to become the "Ekalvya". Very less, affordable or no "Guru dakshina" will be taken from such student. But at same time his/her degree will be considered on par with the students attaining the regular classes. (At present similar facilities exists in India. The bias is to the limited extent. While filling the form of "Armed Force Medical College", I had read, written there that the preference in selection will be given to those students who have qualified matriculation and Inter from a recognized school and board with good attendance and marks).
All educated /learned person has every right to impart knowledge to another. Many educated home maker wives and/or husband can teach their child, whereas the seat available in the nearby schools can be occupied by the students whose parents cannot educate them or give time to them.
Socialization is through (1) Family (2) Society (3) School. Some can get properly socialized from just one of them, and some from neither of them.
So on no basis the self learned education, education from family and or society should be considered inferior to that from the school/university or other sources of formal education.
I would also impart all short duration Diploma, Certificate courses, Certified Training Programmes, etc. the Continuity effect. That is a person having one year post graduation diploma, can convert that diploma into a Master (2 years) degree by undergoing another related one year diploma course from same or another institute and the time gap between the two degrees will not be taken into account. The final combined degree will be awarded by the institute involved in later stage or the third party involved in providing further higher studies or providing employment. All distance/online/part time courses will be compatible with the regular ones.
Costly education has many negative impacts on the society.
- Though it benefits the teaching faculty members and the institute in meeting its financial need, the special niche skills and related opportunity of each student if not properly and individually analyzed, chances of that student landing into job gap and negative economy is high.
- Costly higher education creates Class. Thus the society is broken into hierarchical strata.
- The person studying with education loan, will have crave for high salaried jobs, and if landed into low paid jobs, he/she may develop negative attitude and land into different vicious cycles.
- Costly higher education can put the student into Debt Trap.
- It may bear negative impact on the Eugenics, Family relationships, etc.
- Costly higher education increases the materialistic attitude and parasitic nature.
- Business enters the relationship between the student and teacher. The students are seen as "source of income" for the institute. After the student passes out, if he/she attains success, the institute recognizes him and get associated, but if he/she attains failures, they simply dissociate themselves from the student.
- When there is no proper hostel facility, and the nearby school/college is too far from the house.
- When the hostels are not affordable.
- When the food available in the hostel is not nutritious and hygienic and near to the expectation of the student and their parents.
- When there is poor study environment in the hostel.
- When there are no "Lakshman Rekhas"
- When some students in hostel and college get addicted to "Pornography".
- When the relationship between seniors and Juniors are poor.