Sunday, November 14, 2021

Peace and Prosperity

  1. Gaps between Have and Have-not leads to war. 
  2. Jealosy. Communication gaps and misunderstandings between Have and Have-nots too leads to war. 
  3. Government should create a platform for Property liquidations at a base price. Online and Offline auctions helps to provide higher competitive price. 
  4. Online Property liquidations will promote investments and spill free cash transfers from one account to another. Traders and Investors will be safe from offline criminals. Online criminals cannot do much harm if the banks and administrators are vigilant. 
  5. Online property trade will allow mixing of populations. 
  6. Those who are landless labors, Government should create employment opporunities. Otherwise free skill development, trainings and interest free funds will help them to become entrepreneurs. 
  7. Current entrepreneurs are mad to get High Returns on there Investments, so they prefer all Cost Cutting measures. So they cannot become a philanthropist job/income providers. But if Government acts as a philanthropist in tax benefits, funds, etc. they will in turn become a philanthropist. 
  8. A Good government provides high liquidity to all produce and properties in its territories. 
  9. If cities dumps its polluting business like Loud Sound Orchestra/Disc jockey,  in villages then disturbances and protests will increase. 
  10. Proper Account management, Fixing deadlines and meeting it, good communications, will maintain healthy relations between public and administrators. 
  11. Acknowledging complains and finding soultions in time. 
  12. Quick, Easy and Transparent Conflict managements.

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